What Is Your Tolerance Level?

What Is Your Tolerance Level?



We all know that we have something that we tolerate, not of our choosing—family members, children, loud neighbors, office staff, potlucks, etc. There are a whole host of things. But how much is too much? What can you not tolerate, no matter what the benefits? One I can think of is Negative Words.

Words are one of those things that you can control in your environment. You can walk away or clap back to shut down the negative impact before it has a chance to hit. You have the power to take away the power of words. The more you let that sink in, the more you realize your freedom.

And Actions? There are some big ones! Specific actions like verbal and physical abuse are a NO-NO! But these things start with words. That's what I love about God. Having a relationship with Him first will guide you on what not to tolerate. See, He teaches you how you should be treated. He shows you your value and worth to the point you DARE someone to mistreat you. God does not treat me this way, so why should I tolerate it? He would never tolerate anyone treating me in any way.



We remain humble, yes, but we don't accept any behavior that is harmful to us. We don't retaliate, for the word of God says to be angry but sin not. We loose whatever caused the problem and walk away with peace and tranquility. Now there are some things we must Tolerate in life, but that's to be expected. Especially when we have children, and even then, you have a high level of control; the rest you give to God.

The Bible tells us to guard our hearts. Don't dish it out to everyone. Love people, yes, but keep a reasonable distance until the Lord reveals the person's intentions. The enemy wants to snatch everything from you and meddle in your life to influence you to leave God and join Him. He does this by going through any open door he can find. It could be anywhere from your attitude problem to your reaction to someone else's attitude problem. You must guard yourself. Walk away, keep your peace, tolerate only what you have to, and let God deal with the rest.


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