It has been a long thought that words have power. However, some say words have no power. Do "Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" ring bells? I have learned in recent years that it's not the words that others say that have the most impact; instead, it's the belief in what others say. Words have power, but they only have the power you give them. Say'n It Out Loud is a company that deals in words but only aspires to provide power to the words that uplift and encourage you. These words are faith-based sayings grounded in the Word of God. The words in this blog and on these T-Shirts are what God put in the heart of the founder and the hearts of others.
We believe it is His will for us to spread and encourage through His Word. Words can be powerful, and we experience this through the Word of God. They can make, break, renew, refresh, save and change lives. First, however, one must believe.
The repetitive speaking or reading words will cause you to believe in them more and more. We seek to give you encouraging words to believe. Words that bring about hope and peace, joy, and laughter. Words that help change the life of those that wear them and the life of those that see others wear them.
We live in a world that is constantly chasing after something, resulting in emptiness. We must understand that it starts with what we believe. What do you think about yourself and God? In this blog, we will examine words and the power they can wield. We will discuss the belief they inspire and the strength of their utterance. Each shirt featured on this site have words that encourage, move, and give hope to the wearer.
We hope that you believe in the person that God made you. We hope to help you discover the person that God made you. We want to help you change what you say about yourself and what you want to say about others. There is a scripture that says love thy neighbor as you Love thyself. Well, here is where you start, with your words. Believe the word of God that says we are fearfully and wonderfully made, we are the beloved of God, and we are more than conquerors. Let these words give way to words like beautiful, kind, strong, courageous, smart, intelligent, and loved. Then start believing and receiving what is said, begin to see yourself in a better light, begin to love yourself, and intern you will be able to love another successfully.
What you believe impacts who you become.
Have Confidence and Say It Out Loud!